Off We Go . . .
Here we go, each of us, blazing a trail into the new year. So much excitement going on these past few months preparing for the next phase of our journey together.
For me, a lot of this is manifest in developing this latest website that I am lunching today. I have worked to redesign this site at least five times so far. I believe this most closely reflects the journey I’ve taken with my writing and intend to continue into the future.
I hope your exploration of this new site will prove to be a fun journey. I am also clearing a path to the release of the third book in the Chronicles of Space and Thyme series. More on this in the “Future” section of this site.
As we strive to better ourselves in life, sometimes It’s necessary to retrace our steps. Such is the case with my first book, By the Time I Got to Woodstock. Over the past decade, every time this book has come up for reprint, I’ve learned new ways to present the story better.
A little over two years ago I had a conversation with another author friend of mine, Linda Anderson, who helped me view the Woodstock book and the series I’ve been working on creating in a whole new perspective. I took what I learned and sat down with our younger son, Erik, and his Emmy-award-winning cohort, Chan Chau, both very talented graphic novelists in their own right.

Erik pondered all we discussed, picked up his pen, and sketched out the design of the redo of the Woodstock book the way it appears now.
He retained the concept of Space on his bike journeying through all the adventures he faced in the first book. We also discussed a minor title change for the book, mainly because though it was an important thread in the book’s plot, the intent of the book is more far reaching. Hence its new title, By the Time I Got There.
This new version was released first as an e-book, now it’s in print! And I’m happy to announce it was launched at the Arts Consortium of Carver County Holiday Gift Show.

It ran from November 17 to December 22, and on December 17 we gave a special holiday reading at the Consortium as well. I read the story of how Space Larrabee’s friend, Edgar Capricornicus, introduced him to Atlantis, the book’s antagonist. Edgar freaked out during the meeting, running off into a snowstorm. Space was unaware he’d left, so he had to drive for miles until he finally tracked Edgar down. It seemed like an appropriate, seasonal thing to read. Especially considering the fact there was another snowstorm going on outside while we were reading.
We’ll be sharing future events on this site as well. Fear Not . . . copies of By the Time I Got There and In Search of Space and Thyme are still available in the ACCC Arts Center store, Notermann Building, 7924 Victoria Drive, Studio Level, Victoria, MN. Their hours are Wed. thru Fri.: Noon to 5:00 pm; Sat.: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Watch for future Journal updates as time rolls on. And I welcome you to sign up for my newsletter. You’ll be notified of future posts and keep up with Space Larrabee’s Lunch on the Moon blog posts, probably a bit of fresh writing, and a calendar of future events.